SDHI - About Us - Left Menu
SDHI - About Us - values
Sr. No. |
Value |
Description |
1 |
Customer Centricity |
Professional Expertise, Operations Excellence to deliver Customer expectations |
2 |
Innovation |
Nurture a culture of Excellence. Identify unnoticed product or market opportunities, cost savings or synergies. |
3 |
Honesty and Integrity |
Be truthful in all our actions, honest and forthright with one another and with all our stakeholders. Integrity in all respects. |
4 |
Diligence |
Review all significant risks and/or issues and Mastery in core competencies. |
5 |
Agility |
Rapid adoption and adaption of Technology to meet Customer requirements. Agility is key to our Competitive Advantage. |
6 |
Trust |
Nurture a participative work environment with high levels of trust and confidence |
7 |
Purposefulness |
All activities are done through sound team work with higher purpose and ideals. |
8 |
Fairness |
Firmly committed to fairness and objectivity in all its actions and interactions. Justice and fairness is imbibed in the organization’s fabric to ensure impartiality and consistency in our operations. |
9 |
Respect & Care |
Committed to treat everyone fairly and with respect and dignity. Our belief is that each employee makes a meaningful contribution in Company’s success. Compassion, sharing and kindness form a part of our decision making process. |
10 |
Responsibility |
Demonstrate highest levels of responsibility for the pursuit of excellence in our Organization. |
11 |
Ethics & Compliance |
Upholding ethics and code of conduct of Organisation. Be a model Corporate Citizen. Compliant to all State’s laws and Global norms. |
12 |
Citizenship |
Partner in Nation building and contribute towards Nation’s economic growth. |